MARIO ZOOTS - Gentle Distortion
K Contemporary is proud to announce the opening of “Gentle Distortion”, the highly anticipated solo exhibition by Mario Zoots. The central theme of Zoots’
work explores the concepts of originality, intention, expression and authorship, ultimately asking the question, “What represents authenticity in this era of
In the world of art, the new reality is increasingly characterized by appropriation and sourcing. The process of artistic creation, which Mario wants
the viewer to observe closely, is nourished by multiple wellsprings, including inspiration, conceptualization, fabrication and communication. “Gentle
Distortion” wonders aloud whether these raw elements can stand alone, or whether authenticity demands they be carried out together by a single creator.
Is art to be judged by the sum of its parts, or by the manner of its creation? “These are the times of alternative facts,” says Zoots. “We’re adapting to a more
flexible view of reality, integrity, sincerity and truthfulness.”