Kristopher Wright Born 1991 in Denver, Colorado.

Turn 6, 2024
acrylic ink and paint on canvas
48 x 48 in

As stated by Kristopher when asked about the work, " folks rode Harley’s my whole life so bike and car culture was everything to me and my brothers growing up…Going to Sturgis with mom and dad at age 13 (WAY too young for that), learning to fix things when they break, bicycles ramps and helmets littering the driveway on a summer day..."


"Mom took a lot of pics of us playing in the yard…playing, emulating, trying-on the identities we dreamed we could embody one day. A playing card taped to the spokes transformed a bicycle into a dirt bike. Magic!"


"My two older brothers, Michael and Kenny, both passed on before I turned 18. This work celebrates them. The mountain peaks in the background mirrors the forms. Signifying their importance, enveloping them in safety. The day is late, the leafs are changing colors. We laid Kenny to rest at place called ‘turn 6.’'


as of 6/18/24 in artist's studio

ReLated Works
